Tuesday, February 8, 2011

They Do It To Themselves

Ya know those people who just always do dumb things? Whether those things are just absolutely stupid or ridiculously funny, they just always seem to entertain. Some people are lucky enough to get those stupid/funny things on camera, and i happen to be one of those lucky people while many of my friends are the ones doing the dumb things. Now, the only reason I'll take a picture of something or video tape something is so later on, like after a few days or weeks or months, my pals and I can look back at the ridiculous things we/they do and get a good laugh reminiscing. I think I'll start calling it "documenting memories", because we all love those funny pictures and videos.

Now you've all met Aud, my good ol' pal for life who is constantly cracking me up. Ive also introduced you readers to a few other funny characters in my life, like Kali, Jenny, and Madi. I'm now going to introduce you to someone new, someone who did something stupid, and we all love it. This person's name is Steffen. Some of you may know Steffy and his goofiness, like i have since we were young.

Well, this character decided to do something I've honestly never seen anyone do before, and it was down right dumb....and i love it.

Hahahh, who does that?! No one but the one and only Steffy. Don't worry, he walked away with minor cuts to the head, yes he was bleeding, yes he got blood on his hoodie, and yes, he still reps it almost every day. Gotta love it.

Not only did Steffen do something hilarious, of course Aud has. Every day, all day, but I can't give you readers all my funny stuff of Aud, I have to spread it out over time in these blog posts, but I know how much I love my pictures of Aud, and I'm hoping you readers do as well. So I'll give you just one of Aud today.

Aud has no rhyme or reason for doing the things she does, which I'm sure many people have figured out by now. So it's no surprise to many when they see this photo:

......what's not to love?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Many Faces of Audrey Ries

After getting to know Audrey, you see she has so many sides to her wonderful personality. They come out from time to time, and its always a good time. I've decided to take this opportunity to show you readers what my friends and i like to call "the many faces of Audrey Ries".

"Adorable Aud"

"Audrey 'Homerun' Ries"

"Audrey 'Money Bags' Ries"

"Locked and Loaded Ries"

"Caught Creepin on FB Aud"

"Unavailable 6-9 Aud"

"Asian Aud"

Just so you all know, there are plenty more "faces" of Aud, but ill save those for another time. The great thing about being friends with this girl, is ya never can know for sure when you'll get the privileged of witnessing one of her many faces. I mean, the one phrase that will always stick with my good ol' pal is: "Ya gotta love her."
Because it's so true, despite times she may get on your nerves and piss you off, she makes up for it constantly, simply by being Aud. 

              "Aud- Sk8 or Die"

God Bless Audrey Ries. hahah.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Friendly Introduction

After being told by the fabulous Mr. Dykstra that we had to start a blog, i was a bit pleased. Only because i felt like i had a grand idea for my blog. I've always told my friends how i think it would be funny if we started some website or whatever and posted about all the stupid things we do. Especially all the stupid things one certain friend does.
So, with a great idea, and an assignment from Mr. D, it begins.

I'll start things off by introducing you readers to a few people you'll get to know from reading my blog.

Audrey Ries

Audrey "Money Bags" Ries
Audrey "Homerun" Ries
Adorable Aud
Audra (according to my grandma)
Audy 5000

I'm sure some of you are familiar with this entertaining girl, and hopefully you'll get to know a side of her i know a little better from this blog. Aud is the reason behind this blog, she is the "once certain person" i was talking about. I love this girl, and i just think all her entertaining shenanigans that crack me up should be known by not only me and other friends, but by all of you. I mean, who doesn't love a girl that's "got jokes"?

Kali Cruse
Killa Kali
Church Girl
Baby Girl

Some of you might also be familiar with this sweet, innocent girl. Her shenanigans aren't as often as Aud's but when she's "got jokes", she's got jokes. I've recently found out that Kali has started a bucket list, and as i pointed out in government last week, one of the things on it is to: "be a manager at Pita Pit".
One word: Cutie.

Those two are the main people you will read about through out this blog.
But a few others who may pop up from time to time are:

Madilyn Johnson  

Jennifer Galkin  

Well, you've met a few of my pals, and a few funny people you'll get to know.

So hopefully you look forward to posts after this if you enjoy a good laugh as much as i do.
